The All For Animals foundation has raised and spent tens of thousands on animals in need, perhaps even twice this amount before it was established. We cooperate with animal shelters across Poland  (in Szczecinek, Sosnowice, Poznań) and provide food, finance medical procedures, promote adoptions and help to develop infrastructure. We purchase dog kennels, medical equipment, pet food, toys and any other necessary products. We also cooperate with other instututions with simmilar goals. If you would like to learn more, click here.

Now we set ourselves a very ambitious goal: we plan to open an animal refuge. We have assessed the budget to be 250.00 zl (real estate purchase and adaptation, notrarial costs).

This is a significant amount, however our project will serve many purposes. Apart from the necessary office space, used for storing the foundation’s documents and as a meeting point for board members (as well as being the headquarters of our planned business activities), this place will predominantly act as a caring home for older and impaired animals, which would otherwise wait months or years for adoption. Since we are very attached to animals, we could not pass them on to different homes.

This project, as we see it, will be a small shelter based in an urban environment for animals adopted from other shelters, where they can find a loving an caring permanent home.Meet some of our potential wards:

Animals finding their new home in our refuge will remain under our permanent care. To provide the best possible conditions, the interior will be adapted and equipped according to their specific needs, while the garden will allow them to roam freely in safe conditions. We believe every raised zloty gets us one step closer to fulfilling our ultimate goal, which has always been help and care for animals in need. 

We would also like to underline that our project is somewhat innovative – on the one hand it will serve as an office, on the other – a safe haven for animals under our custody. The refuge will exist in an urban environment, meant primarily for dogs and cats.

Visualized floorplan:

We encourage you to support our fundraiser. Each one of you can help one animal. We can’t change the entire world, but we can change a single animal’s world. The foundation undertakes to allocate funds collected from this fundraiser to the subject of this specific project.